The Yeo (2001) Corpus of Sec 2 Compositions
The Yeo (2001) Corpus of Sec 2 Compositions is a set of short essays written by pupils in the Express Stream of the 2nd year of a Secondary School in Singapore. Most of the pupils were between 13 and 14 years of age at the time they wrote the essays. Full details of the data and how it was collected can be found in:
Yeo Nyuk Peng Josephine (2001) Potential Influence of 'Mother-Tongue' on the Written English of Secondary School Students in Singapore. English Language Honours Academic Exercise, National Institute of Education, Singapore.
and a summary of the findings can be found in:
Josephine Yeo Nyuk Peng and David Deterding (2003), 'Influences of Chinese and Malay on the written English of secondary students in Singapore'. In David Deterding, Low Ee Ling and Adam Brown (Eds.) English in Singapore: Research on Grammar, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 77-84.
The full corpus of Sec 2 compositions can be found in:
The Yeo (2001) CORPUS of Sec 2 Compositions.
In addition, there are some Sec 1 compositions in:
Sec 1 Compositions.
We are very grateful to the pupils for writing these essays, and also to the school for generously allowing access to the pupils.
David Deterding ( and Josephine Yeo