- Topic-prominence and null arguments in Singapore Colloquial English.
Ludwig Tan
- Subject omission in Singapore Colloquial English.
Leong Ping, Alvin
- The grammar of ignorance: The Don't Know construction in Singapore Colloquial English.
Lionel Wee
- Tenses and will/would in a corpus of Singapore English.
David Deterding
- Past tense marking in Singapore English.
Ho Mian Lian
- On the zero-plural in commercial Singapore English.
Debra Ziegeler
- A corpus-based description of particles in spoken Singapore English.
Low Ee Ling and David Deterding
- Features of the relative clause in Singapore English.
Mark Newbrook
- Influences of Chinese and Malay on the written English of secondary students in Singapore.
Josephine Yeo Nyuk Peng and David Deterding
- Common errors in Singaporean books of common errors.
Adam Brown
- Connectors in primary school writing.
Wee Bee Geok
- Connectives and themes in the essays of Singaporean and PRC students.
Angela Loo Siang Yen
- Singapore primary school teachers' beliefs in grammar teaching and learning.
Christian Chia Shyh Chiuan
- Do teachers' beliefs of grammar teaching match their classroom practices? A Singapore case study.
Josephine Ng and Thomas S C Farrell
- Students' perceptions of grammar corrections in compositions: A Singapore study.
Lee Fong Ting and Thomas S C Farrell
- Problems in the analysis of language in Singapore literature.
Ismail S Talib
- Bibliography on Singapore English grammar.
Adam Brown