
Lit. (The uses of flower)
1      Flower is a beautiful plant, with fragrance
2 in it, only for some specific flower. Flowers is
3 used in all over the world. Flower is also used to represent
4 a country, like Singapore, Orchids are used to represent
5 Singapore, and its our nationility flower.
6      Flower are also used by men to gives to the females
7 as a token of love in almost everywhere in the earth. Flowers are
8 also used when you are visiting a friend in hospital.
9 Giving the patient a bunch of flower usually is as
10 a token of concerned. If the flowers is given to the patient
11 when both the patient and visiter are couple or boy, girlfriend
12 relationship, the flower would be a token of concern or love or
13 both. Usually, in this situation, it is both. Flower are
14 also used when people when visiting their dead parents, friends, relative or
15 elders. Giving flower means the visiter is missing him or her, or is
16 thinking of the person usually. sometimes, bad guys
17 visited the grave and give flower was through a sense
18 of guilt in his mind or sometimes seeking for forgiveness.
19 Even some superstitious bad guy give flowers to the dead
20 was wanting the ghost soul or spirit of the dead to stop
21 haunting him.