
The Uses of Flowers
1      What are the uses of flowers? Flowers have many
2 uses, roles and it can be seen anywhere. There are many
3 species of flowers all round the world.
4      Flowers can be used for decorations in meetings,
5 functions and it beautifies the surroundings. Flowers
6 have all sorts of colours too. It has beautiful petals
7 and some closes in the night and open in the morning. Flowers
8 can brighten up one's day because of it's bright
9 colours. Flowers also can be used in funerals for
10 the dead. Flowers also have a romantic role during
11 Valentine's day too, the guys sends the girl a bouquet of flowers
12 to represent his love, care. Girls get very excited when seeing
13 their love ones giving them a beautifully wrapped flowers.