
The Uses of Flowers
1      I am a Daisy. Whose petals are white and
2 my pollens are yellow in colours. Many people often praised
3 me as a very beautiful and elegant flower. Like many
4 of mine other species of flowers, we have several different
5 uses.
6      People would normally go to
7 florist to buy us, especially the roses which
8 are most prefered. The flowers which are bought
9 are given to their family members, girlfriends, someone
10 who is not well or even to cementries for their
11 loved ones. Those who recevied them are always
12 gleeming with joy and happiness. Sometimes,
13 girls would take a flower and pluck off the petals
14 to see if any certain guys like her. Flowers are
15 also used for proposal purposes.
16      Even weeds when flowering are beautiful, when
17 you are walking through a park and you see even
18 some weeds flowers and you would be so
19 happy. People who really like flowers would buy
20 pots of flowering plants and see how a flower
21 blooms and it would beautiful the home.
22      The pollens of flowers are taken out of the
23 flowers by bees and butterflys to make honey
24 and to eat. After the honey is produced,
25 humans eat them. Therefore, flowers are very uses
26 and very beautiful.