00 I Do you see..see your old classmates still quite regularly?
03 S Now that all of us have most of them has been erm ...
07 in the working sector ... so it's ...
10 hh..harder for us for arrange a time that we can meet together.
13 I Right. Did most of them not go to university then?
16 S They did, ah. They graduated and erm ...
19 some of them went overseas to do their ... courses.
24 I Right. How come you..di..you ...
26 you haven't graduated and they have graduated?
28 Did you take a year off, or what?
30 S Well, erm, basically when I before I came in to teaching, I ...
34 had a one year contract teaching and ...
36 that puts me one year back, I guess, and ...
40 on top of that, the NUS courses, they are only three year
44 for some of the courses.
45 I Right.