00 S and what was the meaning of puttumayam and we were saying
03 that um ... the ... the ... it's called string hoppers if I'm not wrong ...
10 um in ... the strings the strands the flower strands are ... could
16 symbolise the various ... you know strands of life and and the sugar
21 and and the important thing is the sugar um ... the more sugar you
25 put ... to life the metaphor of ... the bee-hoon being alive the more
30 sugar deb deb ... the more ... I don't know um the more enjoyable ...
35 life becomes or it's ... how sweet it is depends on how much sugar
41 you put ... in it so basically that's that's that's the message we're
46 trying to [
47 I [ Right
47 S Give the audience.
48 I Did, did people get the ---