00 I And what about Thailand?
02 S I had to ... er because I had a relative ...
04 I have a relative there ... yeah, so it's not so difficult
08 and ... um even though he was there, he didn't speak much Thai anyway so ...
12 we had to follow the tour group.
13 I Yeah?
13 S Yeah, so the ... the tour guide .. he speaks ... Mandarin ...
18 so it's not so bad.
19 I Right.
20 S [ Yeah.
20 I [ Where were you. In Bangkok?
21 S Yup. Bangkok of course. And then we went to Pukhet,
24 and then Phi Phi Island.
25 I Yeah.
25 S And then we went back to Singapore. Yeah.
27 I Which did you like best? Did you like [ Pukhet?
28 S [ Phi Phi Island.
29 I Really?
29 S Yah, because the water is so clear, you can walk out so far and yet
34 you know, it's like ... the water only reaches up to your knee.
36 I Yeah?
36 S Your kness, yah.
37 It's fabulous.
39 I OK, where ---