00 I What do you think of Canteen ... er the NIE Canteen.
02 Is that no good?
03 S It's not no good. Because for Muslims, there's only ww ..
06 one Malay stall so ... tch .. the food ... variety is ...
11 always the same
12 so it's kind of like boring sometimes to eat.
14 I Yeah.
14 S Yeah.
15 I I also find it very hot there. Do you find it ... ?
17 S Erm ... no, 'cos I'm used to spicy food.
20 I Er not ... I was thinking of the the temperature out ...
22 S Oh the temperature. Oh, I'm so sorry.
24 Er ... The NIE Canteen hot? I don't think so.
27 Because it's quite ... quite open.
30 I Yeah
30 S [ So it's windy.
30 I [ but there doesn't seem to be much of a breeze there.
32 I always find it too hot.
33 S I think probably it's because there's ... too many people there,
36 so all the body heat starts radiating outside [ the body.
39 I [ Right.