00 I During ... during Ramadhan, if you have classes at that time,
03 do you find that very arduous, very difficult?
06 S I don't think so. I feel that ... um ...
08 when I fast, because I abstained from ...
10 food and stuff like that, during the day,
12 so I don't feel so sleepy ... or ... so tired ...
16 as when ... right now
18 because normally we have lunch and stuff like that
20 so it's pretty heavy.
21 I So [ the answer is not to have lunch.
21 S [ if we have lunch.
23 Precisely.
24 I Wh why do you have lunch then?
26 S Because ... when it's not Ramadhan time ... you are hungry,
29 so you need to eat.
30 I Right.
31 S Right.