
00 I Where did you go in Hong Kong?
01 What did you like particularly about Hong Kong?
03 S Mmm ... (tch) I would have said shopping but it's winter so ...
08 you ... there weren't very much stuff that you can buy
10 that you can use in Singapore ... but walking around is good.
12 We went to ern the islands and the ... erm ...
16 it's a place called Cheung Chau I think,
18 I'm not too sure, and I liked San-Stanley.
21 Stanley's at one end of Hong Kong Island, where there's shopping ...
25 and erm ... yeah that's pretty much it (ha ha).
30 I What [ about Kowloon?
30 S [ and the Peak ... ern ... Kowloon? Kowloon's very crowded ...
36 and I've gotten so used to Australia's
37 more laid back and not so crowded lifestyle ...
41 it was quite claustrophobic a bit, a little bit.