00 I So you watch Chinese TV?
01 S Yup.
02 I You prefer Chinese TV to English TV?
04 S Yeah.
05 I How come?
06 S [ It's
06 I [ You like the Taiwanese channel ... er programmes, do you?
09 S Yeah, because it's like they are ... (tch) ...
12 they are more they are more fun ... yeah.
15 I Right. Do you watch any English TV?
17 S Er ... movies, yes. But recently I I don't think so I watch any movies.
21 I Right. So you only watch Chinese [ movies.
23 S [ Yes.
24 I Do you get ... er cable TV?
26 S No, I don't.
27 I Wh .. why don't you get cable? Because then there are two or three
30 Taiwanese channels.
31 S But the thing ... because we have to pay for the cable ...
34 then um these ... er these ... channels they are free.
39 I Right. But the cable TV, it's only about 25 dollars a month
42 or something, isn't it?
44 S Yeah, but ... I don't think so it's necessary.
46 I Right, right.