
00 I So er what countries have you been to in the past?
03 You said you've been to trips elsewhere.
05 S Yeah ... I've b-- I've ... recently I went to ...
08 Thailand twice ... w... with the school ...
11 once was ... on a tennis trip to play in a tournament there with the school
16 and the other time was ...
17 where a part of our school's erm ... IB programme is to ...
22 We have to design ... a budget trip to ...
24 a a country in South East Asia and
26 plan it all ourselves and we just went to
29 Thailand to do some trekking in Chiang Mai,
30 which was quite good.
31 I Yeah? So you trekked around Chiang Mai.
33 S [Yeah, and to
33 I [How long did you go for?
35 S er it was a week in all, but we had, we we took the an Aeroflot ...
39 flight to Bangkok and then we had to bus from Bangkok to Chiang Mai so ...
44 that took up a couple of days getting there and back,
46 so we had a couple days trekking and the rest was spent travelling.