A Study of Teacher's levels of Use in process Writing

Serene Goh Kar Keow

English Language Honours AE, NIE, 1998


    Based on the concept of levels of use (Loucks, Newlove and Hall, 1975), the present study was embarked to examine the teacher's levels of use of the "Process Writing" approach to teaching in primary five. Teachers were ranked on a scale of  levels I to V of use and across the four categories of actualisation, namely knowledge, assessing, planning and performing. The study also investigated the relationships between the levels of use attained and other participant variables such as gender, age and educational qualifications. A questionnaire survey and a series of interviews were conducted over a two-month period, followed by a systematic analysis of the responses. The results indicated that the majority of the teachers in the study were operating at level II which was characterised by mechanical or routine use, across the four categories. The variables which had a positive effect on the levels of use attained by teachers were educational qualifications, forms of pedagogic training, intrinsic reasons for using process writing, and school support. The three ordinal variables- attitude, age and teaching experience- were also found to correlate significantly with levels of use. The teachers' progress up the levels of use of process writing in Singapore was stymied somewhat by traditional notions of instruction, inadequate understanding of the process pedagogy and the gap between research and practice. Some recommendations for a more successful use of the process writing approach in Singapore were suggested.