David Deterding and Lim Siew Hwee, July 2005
The corpus provides recordings of young Singaoreans talking informally. All recordings were made directly onto the computer in the Phonetics Laboratory at NIE in Singapore.
The three recordings all involve talks between two friends, one of whom (the main focus of each recording) was closer to the microphone. The voice of this person is somewhat louder than the other voice. Full details of the recordings can be found in Lim (2003):
Lim Siew Hwee (2003) 'Extra final consonants in Educated Singapore English'. Honours Academic Exercise, English Language and Literature, National Institute of Education, Singapore.
A brief description can be found in Lim and Deterding (2005):
Lim Siew Hwee and David Deterding (2005) 'Added final plosives in Singapore English'. In David Deterding, Adam Brown and Low Ee Ling (eds.) English in Singapore: Phonetic Research on a Corpus, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, pp. 37-42.
The three speakers, iF9, iF10 and iF13, are the same as F9, F10 and F13 in the NIECSSE corpus. The relatively informal conversations here can therefore be compared with the more formal recordings of each subject with her tutor in the NIECSSE corpus.
iF9 Data
iF10 Data
iF13 Data
Transcription of the iF10 and iF13 data was done by Ludwig Tan.
Work on this corpus was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Education Academic Research project NIE: RI 1/03 LEL: Theoretical Speech Research and its Practical Implications.
Other researchers are welcome to use this data, as long as they acknowledge the source.